Authors and Contributors

While teaching and researching this book at Trinity College, over 25 undergraduate students have co-authored publications or co-presented conference papers with the lead author. Several also were invited to co-author chapters or make other significant contributions to this publication, and are listed below.

Lead Author
Jack Dougherty Jack Dougherty, the lead author of On The Line, is Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College. He collaborates with students, colleagues, and community partners by using digital history and data visualization to explore cities, suburbs, schools, and housing in metropolitan Hartford, Connecticut. Contact him on his faculty profile page or his personal site
Jasmin Agosto Jasmin Agosto (Trinity College Class of 2010 with bachelor’s degree in American Studies and Educational Studies) co-authored Mobilizing Against Steering and Redlining, and also researched 18th-19th century school documents, and decades of school residency cases. Photo by Seth Markle.
Clarissa Ceglio co-authored Writing Greater Hartford’s Civil Rights Past with
Ilya Ilyankou Ilya Ilyankou (Trinity College Class of 2018 with bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Studio Arts) developed several interactive maps in this book. His open-source code and map links are available at our GitHub public repository:
Vianna Iorio Vianna Iorio (Trinity College Class of 2019 with double major in Educational Studies and English) co-authored Restricting with Property Covenants, Mobilizing Against Steering and Redlining, Jumping the School District Line, and more chapters to come.
Katie Campbell Levasseur Katie Campbell Levasseur (Trinity College Class of 2011 with bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies and Mathematics) conducted restrictive covenant property records research and co-authored How We Found Restrictive Covenants.
June Gold co-authored Restricting with Property Covenants and How We Found Restrictive Covenants.
JiYun Lee JiYun (Lisa) Lee (Trinity College Class of 2017 with bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies and Psychology) co-authored Jumping the School District Line.
Shaun McGann Shaun McGann (Trinity College Class of 2014 with bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Urban Studies) co-authored Federal Lending and Redlining.
Emily Meehan (Trinity College Class of 2016 with bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies) co-authored Racial Barriers to Public Housing
Elaina Rollins (Trinity College Class of 2016 with bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies) co-authored Writing Greater Hartford’s Civil Rights Past with
Candace Simpson Candace Simpson (Trinity College Class of 2012 with bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies) co-authored Who Owns Oral History? A Creative Commons Solution and conducted oral history interviews on restrictive property covenants and Sheff v. O’Neill.
David K. Ware co-authored Restricting with Property Covenants and How We Found Restrictive Covenants.
Tracey Wilson Tracey M. Wilson (Trinity College Class of 1976) co-authored Restricting with Property Covenants. See related chapters in her 2018 open-access book, Life in West Hartford,(

More co-authors to come…

Additional contributors

Staff and students at MAGIC, the Map and Geographic Information Center at the University of Connecticut Libraries, co-created the first edition of interactive maps for this book, with support from a National Endowment for the Humanities grant in 2010-11.

  • Michael Howser, Project Director and Map Interface Development
  • Curtis Denton, Project Management and Interface Design
  • Cary Lynch, Map Interface Development and Interface Design
  • Bill Miller, Aerial Photography Digitization Project Manager
  • Tom Bachant, Map Interface Development
  • George Bentley, Shapefile and KML Development
  • Jonathan Pollak, Shapefile and KML Development
  • Benjamin Spaulding, Dual Map Interface WMS Code Development
  • Josh Strunk, Aerial Photography Mosaic and Digitization
Other books by Jack Dougherty
HandsOnDataViz Hands-On Data Visualization: Interactive Storytelling from Spreadsheets to Code, with Ilya Ilyankou. O’Reilly Media, 2021.
This open-access publication is freely available online and for sale in print at
Learn how to tell your story with data and use many of the tools we used to create interactive charts and maps for the On The Line, such as Chart.js and Leaflet map code templates on GitHub.
WebWriting Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning, co-edited with Tennyson O’Donnell. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015.
This open-access publication is freely available online at and for sale in print at
See also more than 1,000 comments by 70 readers and 4 expert reviewers commissioned by the publisher during the open peer review phase on the draft manuscript at
WritingHistoryInTheDigitalAge Writing History in the Digital Age, co-edited with Kristen Nawrotzki. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.
This open-access publication is freely available online and for sale in print at
See also more than 940 comments by 65 readers and 4 expert reviewers commissioned by the publisher during the open peer review phase on the draft manuscript at
MoreThanOneStruggle More Than One Struggle: The Evolution of Black School Reform in Milwaukee. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004,
See also more than 60 oral history interviews donated to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Archives, and several that were included in the UWM Libraries March on Milwaukee digital history project.